Friday, October 13, 2006

Enjoying one of our other favorite hobbies - camping out. This is our home away from home.
This is a site at a State Park about an hour away from home. We enjoy loading up and getting away for a night or two.

Just a little time before these pictures were taken, I saw a mountain lion following the creek just inside this tree line. I reported it to the Park Ranger who said that he's had other sitings. This park is adjacent to 18,000 acres of private land which is not hunted. He said that the mountain lion has a great habitat with ample prey. He also said that their range is anywhere from 50 to 100 miles distant.

I was glad that our lab was occupied with one paw on my lap being petted so that he didn't notice the mountain lion.

Other visitiors include many deer, racoons armadillos and, yes, snakes. Posted by Picasa